Wednesday, January 15, 2014

blue screen of death

blue screen of death, minecraft, wtf, 8bit, animation - inspiring animated gif picture on on We Heart It -

Hearted from:

Grilled Penguin

don't wake the bears

Cat Eating Watermelon

nom nom nom

Grumpy cat? Not exactly. This is Cooper the watermelon loving kitty. This meme was created from a video uploaded to Youtube by the cats owner. (user name: sweetfurx4)

Cereal Guy Animated

new and improved

Star Trek Pong

it's all in the mind

Captain Kirk and Bones play a little mind pong. Cause that's how you do it in the future. Everything is controlled by your mind. So be careful what you are thinking about.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Make More Animated Memes Now

Super Great

Aren't you tired of seeing memes talking about animated memes. Why not just make some? Come on. The internet needs it. Make some and share them with us. SHARE HERE.

Grumpy Cat Valentines

should have stayed in bed

Grumpy cat is feeling the love, and it hurts. Grumpy cat does not want to be your Valentines. Go away.

Minion In Love

Banana Cat

nom nom nom

I made this animated gif myself at  from the Youtube video below. Sucks that it has to say the website name is such large letters across the meme, but oh well. It's free, so I'll just shut up. It was really easy to make. I just pasted the video link into the form, and then selected the start and stop time. Free accounts like mine have a limit of 10 seconds, but you can get a premium account to get up to 30 seconds.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Chopstick Kitty

nom nom nom (in Japanese)

Another cat gif that I made at from the video below which I found on Youtube from it's owner (user name: sweetfurx4) If you want to see more of this cute kitty check out their blog here:

Le Classic Hair Splash Dance Scene

Mustache With Shades

Wail on that Cymbol

Three Dancing...

Anybody Home?...

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Homer Simpson Spinning

Watch the...

Cutest Kid On TV

Jammin Kitten

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Winnie the Pooh Bear and the Fulcrum...

Train’s Coming

and there it goes
Anime trains always seem to travel with rose petals.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Guess what?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...

Crazy Parking

luck is more like it

Swag? Not sure you quite know what that means, but whatever. Even though the driver almost totally effed up several times this is still pretty darn cool. Would have been better though if they hit someone's car.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Thingamajigs, Watchamacallits, and...

yep pretty much

Thingamajigs, Watchamacallits, and Doodads
Hearted from:

This is how the internet works. You don't know how what something is? Doesn't matter. Just make something up. Everyone will believe it and tell everyone else until it becomes a fact.

Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You....


 This is one of the most awesomeestestest animated gifs ever made. Totally reminds me of 90s death metal music. And the guy playing the drums is just priceless.

Rocket Powered Office Chair

You should totally try this at home.

Okay so there's not actually any rockets involved. It's a fire extinguisher. Looks like this guy is having fun, but he's going to be having a blast later when he's cleaning all that crap off his furniture.

I tried to find whatever video this came from, but I couldn't find the exact one. I found similar ones,but instead I decided to share this awesome German office chair race with you. Enjoy.

Captain Picard

shake it so what?

Captain Jean -luc Picard of the S.S. Starship, Minnow, er something gets jiggy with it. I haven't seen moves like this since that time I tried to get a job at as a caretaker at a nursing home. Here's a nice video for you...

Ace Ventura Rehab Dance

do the bumblebee tuna!

From the 1994 Blockbuster movie "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" starring Jim Carrey as Ace Ventura. A wacky pet detective. In this scene Ace has gone into some kind of mental hospital.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Conversation Over

i need this

What The…

Ever walked in on your parents doing it? It's kind of like that.

Blazing Saddles Jig

get it son!

From the 1974 Mel Brooks classic "Blazing Saddles." If you want any more info google it. Otherwise here's a video clip.

Creepy Sloth

Creepy Sloth

Follow Your Dreams


Not sure what started this internet fascination with sloths, but damn this is funny.

Banjo Pickin Sloth

he looks so happy

Seeing this grinning sloth going to town on that banjo reminds me of that banjo playing dude from the television show that use to play back in the 80s. Hee Haw or some crap like that. See video.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Picard Vs Chunk

take that you dirty rat

Captain Picard goes all tommy gun on Chunk from the Goonies, but it's no match for the Truffle Shuffle. The bullets just seem to bounce right off of his fat. This meme was created from two video clips. See both below.

Decisions Regretted

me too

Think before you act. People say just go with the flow. Let the wind take you wherever. Well most of the time the wind is just a fart and you end up in the gutter. Let the adventures of the great Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrel) be a lesson for us all. This meme was created from the movie Anchorman. I'm not sure off the top of my head which part. I would say fight scene, but that building wasn't in the background. Then I would say bear fight, but who is that other person? If you know leave a comment. I couldn't find any video clips for this scene.

Sleepy Bunny


Another boring day at Fluffy Co. This chunky bunny can't take it anymore, and passes out on the floor. Was that bunny actually watching that little tv?

R2D2 Puking

nice shot

R2D2 you're drunk. Go home. Why is there a phone by the toilet? Who's talking on the phone while taking a shit? Are you that important?  Anyhoo... I'm not sure why someone decided to make a giant trashcan R2D2 puke, because robots don't puke. But whatever. It's entertaining .. in a way.

Pulp Fiction Dance Scene

The dance scene from director Quentin Tarintino's Pulp Fiction, where hitman Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) have entered a dance contest at the Jack Rabbit Club.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Super Bro Fist

right on 

I have no idea what cartoon this is from. Clearly it's from the 80s judging by the animation. Other than that no clue. But it is probably one of the best Bro memes I've ever seen. The other ones are not funny at all.

Anime Chick Singing

word up

This meme reminds me of every chick singing when they think that I'm not secretly watching them through their windows from a tree 4 blocks away and a telescope that I got out of a box of lucky charms.

The Humpty Dance

do the hump

No clue what anime this is, but clearly I missed a hilarious show. This reminds me of when I played those old fighting video games as a kid. You know how some of the moves always looked like some kind of dance, and you (or maybe just me) would go around the game dancing. Or you would get up close to someone, so that it looked like you were humping them. Good times.

Possessed Dancer

I think her head is stuck.

Some weird artsy cirque du soleil act? A possession? Ditzy chick glued her head to the stage? I have no idea what's going on here.

Napoleon Dynamite: Happy Hands Club

This meme was created from the movie Napoleon Dynamite, which was directed by John Hess, and stars Jon Heder as Napoleon. In this scene Napoleon is putting on a performance with the Happy Hands Club for his class. An awesome movie. First time I saw it: stupid. Second: awesome. I use to know a guy that was just like Napoleon.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Rocket Horse


Some "person" crossing a bridge on a large horse toy with sparks coming out of its butt. By far the most disturbing thing I have ever seen.

Peter Griffin Dances the Dance of Life

fat guy gone wild

From Family Guy: Episode 19; season 3 "Stuck Together Torn Apart"

Peter to Lois: "Dance with me Lois. Dance the dance of life."

Chick Hit By Wave

in 3, 2...

A bikini model named Courtnmey (whoever that is) poses for the camera before being taken out by a wave. Her face is priceless.

Totoro Goes Boom


This gif was created from a clip of the fantasy anime movie by Hayao Miyazaki called "My Neighbor Totoro." In this scene Mei is waiting at the bus stop for her father's bus, when she is greeted by a woodland creature, who she gives an umbrella. I couldn't find the exact part of the scene, but here is a clip from the same scene.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hey Ladies

Some 70s dude showing off his sweet dancing skills. Dig the threads man. Snap and pop, snap and pop nigga.

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